
the day started at noon

The past few days have been trying in that I’ve gone to bed on time, and yet woken up feeling more tired each day. Today I pretty much hit a wall. I woke up with only enough time to make it to our morning prayer meeting, and missed devotions. And I dragged the entire time, feeling like I should just go back to bed and recover. Eventually the tiredness turned to discouragement, and I became frustrated with how many areas I seemed to make no improvement in.

After class I returned to my room almost immediately, intent on having my devotions. Though my thoughts were no more illuminated than they had been before, just that time spent considering God’s direction and reading his word completely turned the day around. Not only did my outlook change, but my tiredness left me.

Though I think he would have preferred something better, it seems God intended me to miss devotions today so I could see so clearly the difference my time with him makes in my day. My spirits and energy could not have changed more drastically from the morning to afternoon. Yet even further, it helped me to see how, though on other days I wake up to do my devotions, my heart is not always in it, and I am not always fully awake. Not only is my time in devotions important, but also preparing for them, bringing my mind to the proper place as I come into my time with God.

1 Response to “the day started at noon”

  1. 1 esunhae
    October 29, 2008 at 11:54 pm

    You know, I missed my devotions on Tuesday and God used the situation to bestow a blessing. I realized that I felt no different during class on Tuesday than I do on days that I have devotions. It was such a rebuke to me — I need to truly let God touch my soul when I spend time with Him in our personal “sanctuary.” And of course, leaving the “sanctuary” doesn’t mean that our time with God ends; rather, we need to spend ALL DAY with Him!

    Your post has encouraged me today…keep it real! 🙂

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October 2008

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